I'm not happy with my lack of PC time lately. Things are a bit hectic for me just now, but I found a little time last night, then again this am while lil one is napping lol. I managed to finish off some word art, 4 sets in fact. They are themed, Angels, Girls, Boys, and dancing =D
Great wordart, thanks for sharing it! I love the way wordart adds just the right finishing touch to a layout. I am sure I will use these often
Thanks!!!! Great word art!!!!!!
Wow 4 sets its christmas lol..
*hugz* thank you so much for sharing these with us...
Thank you for the Word Art. I love them!
Thank you so much for the wonderful word art!!
Thank you for creating and sharing this word art! Can't wait to use it!
your all very welcome =D Thanks for commenting [hugs]
My friend just shared your blog with me! I'm so excited! You're such a talented gal! Thank you for sharing your creations!
You work is fab hun and 'you're tagged'
You've been tagged!
These are the rules:
1. Link your tagger { http://itsbacchus.blogspot.com/ } and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I just love wordart hon. Yours are gorgeous! Thanks so much!
Thank you thank you for all of the lovely things that you share with us xx it really is appreciated xxx
hey hon...thanks for the great shares!!! love the word art and all the awesome frames!!!
Thanx so much for the WordArt! =)
I just found these wordarts and they are all super fab! TSMFS
Love your word art and creations, thanks for sharing ! :)
THANK YOU for the word art!!
Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Belle Gangstøe
thank you
thank you so much!! Your Word art is stunning!
Thanks for sharing so many great word art.xxx
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