Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Monday, 5 October 2009
Mask Tutorial
Ok so lately a few people have mailed and asek me about my mask tutorial.....I made it last year, but when I moved webhosts.....My mask tutorial didnt get added cos there werent that many hits on it lol. Anyway, Ive decided to stick it on my blog here, that way, if anyone wants it, it's here.
A few people have asked me to write a mask tutorial, so I thought I'd share with you how I make mine. It's very basic, you dont need alot of PSP knowledge to use this tutorial.

Lets begin!
1. Open a new canvas 600x600 and fill black.
2. Grab your preset shape tool set to circle, inner, white, outer, null. Draw out a large circle,
objects, align, center in canvas. Convert to raster.
3. Grab your smudge tool, settings as follows.

4. I used a flower brush, but you can use any kind of brush for this part.
5. Go to the edge of your circle anywhere on your canvas, start pushing the cirlce in towards

6. Continue to do this all the way around so you have a ragged edge. I also smudge the white
outward, but it depends on the size of your circle. You dont want any of the white to
touch the edge of your canvas, or else you'll notice a line around your tag when you use the
mask. Like below.

7. You should now have a canvas that looks smilar to this

8. Once happy with your new mask...save it as a jpeg, remember to give it a name too so that
people know it belongs to you, you never know,
you may start making tons of masks and sharing them :P
There are tons of different things you can use to make masks, I use brushes, ding fonts, preset shapes, lots of different filters etc,
so play around with it once you start, there is so much you can do with the effects of PSP ;)
Thanks for trying my tutorial
This tutorial was written by me, weescotslass on 8th March 2008, any resemblance to any other tutorial is completely coincidental.
Registered with TWI.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Masks 350-355
grrrr I havent had much pc time at all lately.....not good!
During the day, I get time to come on the pc, but not actually make anything, and in the ervening, by the time kiddies are asleep, I really am not in the mood to make anything *sob*
Anyway, I made some masks just now while waiting to get kids up for school, so hope they're ok for someone at least lol.
Right click and save as
During the day, I get time to come on the pc, but not actually make anything, and in the ervening, by the time kiddies are asleep, I really am not in the mood to make anything *sob*
Anyway, I made some masks just now while waiting to get kids up for school, so hope they're ok for someone at least lol.
Right click and save as

Monday, 4 May 2009
My Tutorial Site.....
is moving.....to
Butter will be moving with me soon as well, I just havent had time to get everything moved over yet. Please excuse the mess tho, it should be sorted pretty soon hopefully
big hugs
New Kits
I've made a new kit...well 3. It's the same kit in 3 colours and they are sold as one!!!
Pink/Blue/Lime and the kit is called Baby Baby
Each kit has 9 papers and 17 elements, they are the same, just different colours. I thought I'd sell them alltogether incase someone doesnt know what sex the baby is etc lol.
Heres a preview of it
I'm uploading to the store now.
It's basically 3 kits for the price of 1 lol, you can get it at dazzling scraps sometime tonight for only $1...wow, what a bargain!
Monday, 6 April 2009

from Mo at MoCreations
Thanks Mo for this awesome award =oD
I have to pass this award on to 3 people so here they are
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Ok I was mailed this morning asking about my frames. and I forgot I hadnt actually moved them over here. I had planned to do that ages ago lol. I'm doing it now tho so all my shares will be in the same place and people dont have to search all over for them!
ok Frame set 1, it has 6 frames in it

download it here
Frame set 2 has 7 frames in it
download it here
Cardboard Frames
Download here
Single cardboard frame

download it here
Triple Circle Cardboard Frame

Download it here
All these frames are Personal Use only please
Sunday, 22 March 2009
New Tutorial!
By Deep!
Using my 'Gorjuss Easter' Kit.
This one is called Gorjuss Suzve and it's avaiable in Portugese and English.
The tag is animated so please check out the links below to see the tag animated.
Thanks Deep, for a gorjuss tutorial =D
big hugs
Friday, 20 March 2009
Saturday, 14 March 2009
New Tutorial by Jennifer
Gorgeous new tutorial by Jennifer of Believe Designs

You can ifnd this aweosme tutorial here
Thanks Jennifer for a beautiful tutorial and gift =D
Thursday, 12 March 2009
New Freebie Kit!

St Patty's Treat, a lil freebie I knocked up a few days ago just havent had the time to post it for you guys. It's TAGGER SIZE only! You can download it here
Hope you like it, hugs Chelle
Freebie Kits
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Glitter Doodle Freebie

OK so I played this morning and made this, its grey scale ready for you to colorise.
Commercial use is OK.
You can download this freebie
Commercial Use Freebie
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Valentine Collab Kit!

So me and Cynthia over at Learning Scrapbooking have been working on a collab kit together.
We are both now finished our contributions to the kit, and above is a preview of my portion.
Ive been (happily) pre-occupied the past few weeks, so I didnt have time to get everything done that I would have liked...someone else (other than the kiddies) was consuming my time lol, but seems thats not to be, so here I am with a little more time to get making more goodies for you guys!
There are no frames in the kit, but I will try to make some over the weekend and stick them here on my blog and you can add them to the kit if you want them.
Head on over to Cynthia's blog to get her part of the kit =D
heres my links for you
I'll be working on a new collab pretty soon, so check back for that too!
Freebie Kits
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Valentine Overlays Freebie

Valentine Overlay Freebie for you guys.
CU is OK
Enjoy, and remember, leave a little love for me =D
grab them here
Commercial Use Freebie
Thursday, 29 January 2009
New Tutorial By Bluey

You can find this awesome tutorial here
Thanks Bluey for an awesome tag =D
This Tutorial uses my Solitude Kit
which is available here on my blog!
Right, off to get kiddies ready for School, have an awesome day everyone
New Tutorial By Jennifer

You can find this beautiful tutorial here
Thanks Jennifer =D
This Tutorial uses my 'Be Mine' Kit which is available here on my blog!
Monday, 19 January 2009
New Award

I've been awarded by the fabby Lou of Designz By Lou
Thanks so much Lou xox
Now I have to pass this award on to 5 amazing blogs!
5 fabulous blogs to go check out =D
have fun
Thursday, 15 January 2009
If it aint one, its the other!
OK I posted to let you guys know about my baby boy.....well, seems my baby girlie didnt want to be outdone and has come down with Scarlet Fever also =(
I havent had much time at all, I went and made some goodies tonight for a new Kit I'm working on which might be available tomorrow depending on how my babies are lol. Other than that.....Ive been busy busy busy as you can imagine.
Ethan is much better tho which is great, still a bit sleepy tho, but Kiana is not handling her Scarlet Fever so well, she's been throwing up all over the place.....not good! I'm hoping that she wont be sick tomorrow and maybe the Penicillin might get a chance to work on her little body.
I might be back tomorrow with a kit and a freebie, if not, hopefully Saturday =D
Have a good night/day
I havent had much time at all, I went and made some goodies tonight for a new Kit I'm working on which might be available tomorrow depending on how my babies are lol. Other than that.....Ive been busy busy busy as you can imagine.
Ethan is much better tho which is great, still a bit sleepy tho, but Kiana is not handling her Scarlet Fever so well, she's been throwing up all over the place.....not good! I'm hoping that she wont be sick tomorrow and maybe the Penicillin might get a chance to work on her little body.
I might be back tomorrow with a kit and a freebie, if not, hopefully Saturday =D
Have a good night/day
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
New Tutorial
By the wonderful Bluey from BlueDreamDesigns
isnt it gorgeous???
Its called 'My Love Is Skin Deep' and you can find it here
Thanks Wanda =D
Scarlet Fever!
It's lovely isnt it, or at least it sounds nice lol.
It was my youngest boys Burpday yesterday and he spent most of it not feeling well =(
My niece was recently in hospital with Scarlet Fever, and when I noticed his tongue was a bit furry with blotches, I got him an appointment as soon as I could. He had already been ill and spending alot of time asleep.

He had a throat swab taken just to be sure, and we got the confirmation today, he has group A Strep in the throat.....in other words, he has Scarlet Fever lol.
He seems to be better today tho as in, hes not in bed lol. His tongue looks weird, but hes excited about a whole week off school as you can imagine!
So anyway, lets hope it doesnt stay too long and it doesnt spread to the other 3 kiddies.....Oh my, can you imagine?????
I'm going into hiding lol
Hope you all had an awesome weekend
Hugs Chelle
Saturday, 10 January 2009
12x12 and 300dpi saved asPSD file.
I didnt have another photo to use lol, so I used one of my daughter that was taken when she was about 30 minutes old lol.
New Award

From Jennifer from Believe Designs
What a fantastic award, thank you Jennifer =D
I want to pass this award on to
Designs By Ali
Designs By Lou
Teresas Scraps
and last but in no way least.....
Sheldon Designs
New Tutorial
By Jennifer from Believe Designs
It's called Attitude
and you can find it here
Gorgoeus tag thanks Jennifer =D
Thanks so much
Monday, 5 January 2009
Sunday, 4 January 2009
It's My Burpday Today woohooo!
Yep, 33 today, wow, where have all the years gone?
I made a little mini kit for you guys.
I hope you like it. Its called Celebrate and it's full size only!
Heres a preview of what Ive made.
Get it here
Back soon, huggies Chelle
Freebie Kits
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